I almost didn't believe it was going to happen before her third birthday, but HALLELUJAH! Maggy is done with diapers!
It was Monday night, and we were mulling about the kitchen getting ready for dinner. Maggy had been successful with peeing on the potty for several days, but no poop yet. She went into the bathroom and asked for "some privacy." A minute or two later, she walks out of the bathroom, bare bottomed, tugs on her Daddy's side and said "Come here, I want to show you something." Just as matter a fact as an adult would have. She wanted to show him her poop in the potty! Is it wrong to say that's just so cute?!
I've heard it said a million times, and I have always want to think differently when I have a toddler that I think is ready for potty training, but it is true - "they will learn when they are ready."
Maggy will be one of (if not the most) strong willed of our children. I sort of expect her to be much like her mother, bold and outspoken. This is good as well as challenging.
She was promised a reward of a new dolly when she could go a whole day in dry panties. Normally, we don't get to this store often. As a matter of fact, Zak kept referring to the store as "Good Will"... which I guess we patronize a bit more frequently.
A quick stop for a potty break before shopping. Toys R Us is so considerate of their patrons that they equip their bathroom with at least one toilet that is kids height, about 18 inches off the ground. This particular toilet had blue water... so Maggy was leery. She had the opportunity to choose from a blue toilet, a normal toilet, or the handicap stall, with an extra high toilet (and big stall). She chose the tallest thrown. Maybe size matters?
So many options to consider...
...I didn't point this one out to her - for what I think are obvious reasons - but had to show you.... REALLY!? (Ok, nuff said)
Maggy was eagerly assisted by her siblings, who all want to provide input which she should get. Including Mr. I'm-too-serious-to-be-8 -Noah, who wanted to point out how expensive they all were. (did I mention many of their toys come second hand?).
But ultimately, the choice was hers. A strawberry scented Dora with her own hair brush. Perfect. And actually less than the cost of a package of diapers!
As I look at her, I can't believe how quickly she is growing up. She brings me joy and delights my heart, and despite how this makes me grieve the end to her babyhood, I love her more each day!
Hard to believe. I still remember when we dropped something off at your house and my girl gushed over how cute Baby Maggie is and how she loved her "cute little stick up hair". Yep, my most often used word has to be "bittersweet". xo