It was within the first second that the tech, Amber, placed the monitoring device on my belly that I saw it, and just as I did, I heard her say "oooh".
"Did I really see that?!" (me)
I started laughing ... hard! And look to my husband, who hasn't realized that the scan had started.
"I don't think he saw it"(Amber)
I could barely contain my laughter.
On April 1st... prankster's holiday, my husband thought it would be a kick to find an ultrasound picture of twins and post it on his facebook profile, and see if he could catch any one in his joke.
I remember warning him, "But honey, I have felt more symptoms of the pregnancy than any of the others.... what if it really is twins?!"
Maybe he had a fleeting moment of psychic ability....
Maybe it's God's way of showing us that he loves us, trusts us and wants to bless us as we learn to trust in Him in greater ways... and that He has a great sense of humor.
I am due November 2, but that is a 40 week date, and twins are often considered full term by 36 or 37 weeks. As of today - 13 w 2 d, they are both pretty close to the same size, and by all appearances, completely perfect!
So thus begins our amazing journey into a season in duplicity!
God also knew this when he providentially provided for us that beautiful 8 passenger vehicle.
The bus is now full!