I would also like to admit that because I have nothing pressing to be accomplished outside of my home that the inside of my home is neat and orderly and all of my projects are complete.
I think I am simply wired to be a procrastinator. My accomplishments, regardless of the amount, complexity or duration, will always spread to fit into the time allowed by my schedule. So, we wake to snow. Husband's company tells him to work from home and avoid driving. I get excited about how much we will accomplish... and yet...at 11 am I am just stepping out of my PJs into the shower. I should be able to take advantage of this sequester and invite a sweet neighbor over for coffee, as it has been over 4 months since we have had the chance to just chat. But I simply have too much to get done. Piles of unaddressed Christmas Cards,
But then I remember my goal. Presence, not more presents. Sharing more of myself and less stuff.
I will get my to-do's accomplished, I almost always do. I work better under pressure and massive amounts of caffine.
And I will call Carol for coffee, giving her some of myself and my time.
You make me miss my friends in OR. I want to be there with you for a coffee on a snow day. love you S.